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Welcome to Gracesgallery. I started this site as a project in a web design and Photoshop class several decades ago, and continued it as other family members contributed information and allowed us to copy their photos, growing it over the years as a way to share family history and photographs with our extended family members. But software and systems changed over the years (as they do) and I could no longer use the tools I'd built the site with to access it. The site languished for several years. I couldn't add new material or tweak the appearance or anything! I decided the time had come to move it, update it, and it's been quite a task. It looks a little different than it did for so many years, but the information is still here, plus now I can add some information and pictures that I couldn't before. I have also added items contributed by others, most particularly my brother who is interested in genealogy and family history just like Mom and me. I hope you find the information interesting and maybe even useful.

Genealogy and Family History

North Carolina Family


Edwards  Brown   Moore  Rountree   Spruill   Vick      Ward

Virginia Family

     Rice     Bennett    Kersey

     Pettway   Totty

West Virginia Family

      Brown   Greene   Wilson           Price

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