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North Carolina: Jeremiah "Fork" Perry Family of Franklin County, NC



Jeremiah "Fork" Perry

of Franklin County, NC

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Jeremiah "Fork" or "Cross Roads" Perry was born about 1761. He lived at the crossroads of present day Rt 56 and Perry Chapel Road.


Jeremiah was the son of Joshua Perry of Warren Co., NC. He was involved in the division of his brother Benjamin's estate in 1816. Benjamin Perry died without children and possessed of 2,902 acres (after the subtraction of the widow's dower) of land in Franklin and Warren Counties along Big Shocco Creek, Isinglass Creek and Smart's Branch. The land was divided among the brothers and sisters, Amy wife of Jesse Person, Lettice wife of Benjamin Ingram, the children of a brother Joshua Perry who died in 1807, Priscilla wife of Allen W. Davis, Winifred wife of Mr. Darnell, Rebecca wife of James Sherrod, Charity wife of John Gee, Jeremiah (Fork) Perry and Mary wife of John Howell.


In 1844, Jeremiah deeded land to Rev. Josiah Crudup for the purpose of building a "Meeting House for the Baptist denomination of Christians in that section there to have a Church and worship Almighty God agreeably to the dictates of their own conscience" and named as Trustees, Rev. Josiah Crudup, Allen C. Perry, Levin Perry, Jordan R. Sherrod and Joshua Perry.


Jeremiah Perry lived north of Cedar Creek and in the vicinity of Buffalo Creek. His family cemetery, enclosed by a stone wall, stands northeast of the intersection of Franklinton Road (SR 56) and Perry Chapel Road (Rt 1003). There is no stone there for him, nor for most of the others who are buried inside the walls of the family cemetery. His death was noted in the October 9th, 1846 issue of the Raleigh Register: "In Franklin County, Jeremiah Perry, Esq. (Fork) in the 85th year of his age. He has descended to the grave full of years and honors."


After the death of Jeremiah Perry, most of his children moved to Harrison County, Texas. Allen C. Perry, the eldest son, remained in Franklin County on his father's land and served as the executor of the estate.



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